Welcome to the Center for Advanced Transportation Technology (CATT)

About CATT

The Center for Advanced Transportation Technology (CATT) at the University of Maryland, College Park was created to respond to the significant changes brought about by the increasing use of advanced technologies in the transportation field. A permanent staff of ITS professionals and affiliated faculty of the Department of Civil Engineering supports the CATT. All offer extensive knowledge and experience in ITS technology, traffic engineering and control, systems analysis, and operations research. CATT provides an organizational umbrella for five major initiatives including Capital Wireless Information Net (CapWIN), Center for Advanced Transportation Technology Laboratory (CATT Lab), Center for Advanced Transportation Technology Works (CATTWorks), Consortium for Innovative Transportation Education (CITE), Maryland Transportation Technology Transfer (MDT2) Center/Maryland’s Local Technical Assistance Program (MD LTAP), and Metropolitan Area Transportation Operations Coordination (MATOC).