CATT Presentations

1999 | 2000 | 2001 | 2002 | 2003 | 2004 | 2005 | 2006 | 2007 | 2008


Pack, M. L., Weisberg, P., and Howard, J. (January 2008) “Four-Dimensional, Real-Time Automatic Vehicle Location Visualization System.” Presented at the Transportation Research Board 87th Annual Meeting.

Pack, M. L., and Ivanov, N. (January 2008) “Web-Based, Interactive Temporal-Spatial Traffic and Incident Data Visualization Tool.” Presented at the Transportation Research Board 87th Annual Meeting.

Pack, M. L., Steffes, A., and Bryan, J. (January 2008) “Overview and Status of Regional Integrated Transportation Information System in the National Capital Region.” Presented at the Transportation Research Board 87th Annual Meeting.

Pack, M. L., Bista, S., and Weisberg, P. B. (January 2008) “Widearea, Four-Dimensional, Real-Time, Interactive Transportation System Visualization.” This paper was the co-winner of the Charley A. Wootan Award presented at the Thomas B. Deen Distinguished Lecture and Transporation Research Board Awards Ceremony at the 87th Annual Transportation Research Board Meeting.

Pack, M. L. (January 2008) Presided over “Visualization for Performance Measurement” session and presented “Effective Visualization Techniques for Incident Impact, Safety, and Emergency Response” at the Transportation Research Board 87th Annual Meeting.

Young, S. E., Miller, R. W., and McDonald, S. S. (January 2008) “Keys to Innovative Transportation Development.” Presented at the Transportation Research Board 87th Annual Meeting.


Young, S.E. (August 2007) “Real-Time Traffic Operations Data Using Vehicle Probe Technology.” Presented at the Mid-Continent Transportation Research Symposium, Conference Proceedings.

Young, S.E. and Blue, B. (August 2007) “Kansas Department of Transportation’s Experience with Procuring Wi-Fi at Rest Areas.” Presented at the Mid-Continent Transportation Research Symposium, Conference Proceedings.

Young, S.E. (June 2007) “Multi-State Vehicle Probe Based Traffic Monitoring.” Presented at the ITS America 2007, Palm Springs, California.

Pack, M. L., and Ivanov, N. (May 2007) “The Washington, D.C. Regional Integrated Transportation Information System (RITIS).” Proceedings of the ITE Canadian District Annual Conference, Toronto, Canada.

Pack, M. L., and Ivanov, N. (May 2007) “An Interactive, Temporal-Spatial Traffic and Incident Data Visualization Tool.” Proceedings of the ITE Canadian District Annual Conference, Toronto, Canada.

Pack, M. L., Ellison, J. & Ivanov, N. (May 2007) “Real-time and Historic Incident Visualization Using Timelines.” Proceedings of the ITE Canadian District Annual Conference, Toronto, Canada.

Young, S. E. and Miller, R. (2007) “Innovative Re-Uses of GPS Data collected during yearly Road Condition Surveys.” Presented at the National Pavement Management Systems Conference.

Young, S. E. and Muller, P. (April 2007) “Safety and Security Concerns for a University APM.” Paper and presentation at the American Society of Civil Engineers Automated People Conference.

Young, S. E. and El-Aasar M. (April 2007) “Structural Aspects of a University-Scale APM.” Paper and presentation at the American Society of Civil Engineers Automated People Conference.

Young, S. E., Muller, P., and Vogt, M. (January 2007) “Personal Rapid Transit Safety and Security on a University Campus.” Paper and presentation at the Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting, [Paper # 07-0907].

Pack, M. L., Ellison, J. & Ivanov, N. (2007) “Real-time and Historic Incident Visualization Using Timelines.” Presented at the Transportation Research Board Conference, Washington, D.C.


Moscoso, R. (October 2006) “CapWIN and Data Sharing Initiatives in the Mid-Atlantic Region.” Presented at the All Hazards Forum, Baltimore Convention Center, Baltimore, Maryland.

Moscoso, R. (October 2006) “CapWIN: Sharing Data Across the Commonwealth.” Presented at the Virginia Interoperability Communications Conference, Portsmouth, Virginia.

Pack, M. L. (October 2006) “A Four-D, Real-Time, Transportation Visualization System.” Presented at the TRB Visualization Symposium, Denver, CO.

Moscoso, R. (June 2006) “CapWIN: Real Interoperability in the Field.” Presented at the International Association of Chiefs of Police, Law Enforcement Information Management (LEIM) Conference, Grapevine, Texas.


Pack, M. L. (2005) “An Open Source, Video-Based, Automatic Incident Detection Program.” Poster session during a meeting of the Transportation Research Board.

Frankle, K. M. (May 2005) “Distance Learning Catalog of Web-based ITS Courses.” For ITS America Education and Training Committee.


Chang, G. L. (2004) “An Optimal Dynamic Speed Limit Control for Highway Work-Zone Operations.” Paper presented during a meeting of the Transportation Research Board.

Chang, G. L. (2004). “Analysis of a New Weaving Design at Freeway Interchanges.” Paper presented during a meeting of the Transportation Research Board.

Chang, G. L. (2004). “Integration of a Discrete Choice Model and a Rule-Based System for Estimation of Incident Duration: a Case Study in Maryland.” Paper presented during a meeting of the Transportation Research Board.

Tarnoff, P. J. & Nono, A. P. (2004). “Improved Software Cost and Schedule Estimation During Early Project Definition and Proposal Phases.” Paper presented during a meeting of the Transportation Research Board.

Frankle, K. M. (2004, May). “Distance Learning Catalog of Web-based ITS Courses.” For ITS America Education and Training Committee.


Frankle, K. M. (2003, November). “The Consortium for ITS Training and Education (CITE) Brings ITS Training to Spanish-Speaking Students.” Paper presented during the 10th ITS World Congress in Madrid, Spain.

Frankle, K. M. (2003, January). “Distance Learning Catalog of Web-based ITS Courses.” For ITS America Education and Training Committee.


Frankle, K. M. (2002, January). “Distance Learning Catalog of Web-based ITS Courses.” For ITS America Education and Training Committee.


Frankle, K. M. (2001, June). “Distance Learning: The User’s Perspective.” Presented during the ITS America Annual Meeting in Miami, Florida.


Frankle, K. M. (2000, January). “Distance Learning Catalog of Web-based ITS Courses.” For ITS America Education and Training Committee.

Frankle, K. M. (2000, October). “Taking ITS Education Online.” Presented during the ITS World Congress in Turin, Italy.

Frankle, K. M. (2000, Spring). “ITS Training Online: The Development of a Web-Based Course.” In ITS Quarterly.


Nelson, D. C. & Frankle, K. M. (1999, November). “Consortium for ITS Training and Education: A Cooperative Collaborative Approach.” From proceedings of the ITS World Congress in Toronto, Canada.