CATT Publications

2000 | 2002 | 2003 | 2004 | 2005 | 2006 | 2007 | 2008 | 2009 | 2010 | 2011 | 2012 | 2013


2013 John Alexis Guerra Gómez, Audra Buck-Coleman, Michael L. Pack, Catherine Plaisant, Ben Shneiderman. “TreeVersity: Interactive Visualizations for Comparing Hierarchical Datasets”. To appear In Proceedings of the Transportation Research Board 92th annual meeting, The National Academies, Washington, DC (2013)


Pack, Michael L. “Performance Measures & Inter-agency Collaboration” Presented at the Operations Academy, Hanover, MD Nov. 10, 2012

“Traveler Information Challenges and Opportunities.” Presented at Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA Oct. 9th, 2012

“The Next Big Thing in Operations” Presented at the Missouri Operations Summit St. Louis, MO Sept. 25th, 2012

“Performance Measures as an Operational Tool” Presented at the Missouri Operations Summit St. Louis, MO Sept. 25th, 2012

Pack, M.L., “Wide-area, web-based mobility analysis using probe data,” Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITSC), 2012 15th International IEEE Conference on , vol., no., pp.1682,1686, 16-19 Sept. 2012

“Transportation Data Management and Sharing” Workshop planned and presented at the IEEE ITSC Confernce, Anchorage, AK Sept. 16, 2012

“Transportation Data Visualization: Innovations in Performance Measurement and Real-time Situational Awareness. A Live Demo!” A US DOT RITA T3 Webinar. September 5, 2012.

“State-wide Congestion Measurement and Reporting” presented at the Virginia State ITE Annual Meeting and Conference. Virginia Beach, VA. June 28, 2012

“Visualizing Performance: Making sense of complicated mobility and safety data for responders and the public” Presented at the Senior Executive Transportation and Public Safety Summit, Washington, D.C. June 26th, 2012

“Regional GIS–Advancements in Data Visualization” Presented at the All Hazard Consortium Conference. Hunt Valley, MD June 25th, 2012

Testify for Congressional Fact Finding Session on Congestion Management at the ITS America Annual Meeting in Washington, D.C. May 22nd, 2012

Keynote Address on “Making the most of your ITS investments through visualization.” Presented at the ITS Massachusetts Annual Meeting. May 9th, 2012. Boston, MA

“Real-time traffic information, past, present and future…” Presented at the NJTPA TransActions Conference, Atlantic City, NJ. April 11th, 2012

“The Regional Integrated Transportation Information System.” Presented at the FHWA Peer Exchange on ITS Data Integration. University at Buffalo, The State University of New York March 15, 2012.

“Opportunities for Transportation Data Sharing on Broad-Band Networks” Presented at the ICBN Community Anchor Symposium at the Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory. March 6th, 2012.

Technical Presentation: Crisis Information Management Systems. Presented at the Baltimore UASI Technology Committee Conference, Marriotsville, MD, Jan. 10th, 2012.

“Virtual Design and Construction and Building Information Modeling Involving Transportation Planning, Design, and Construction: State of the Practice” Presented at the NAS Transportation Research Board, Jan. 25th, 2012

“Regional Transportation Performance Measurement Visualization” Presented at the NAS Transportation Research Board, Jan. 25th, 2012

Presentation on “National Transportation Data Archiving and ITS integration” Presented at the NAS Transportation Research Board, Jan. 25th, 2012


Pack, Michael L. “Performance Measures & Inter-agency Collaboration” Presented at the Operations Academy, Hanover, MD Nov. 10, 2011

Pack, Michael L. “Regional Incident Management” Presented at the National Association of Counties Webinar. November 10, 2011

Pack, Michael L. “Data Use for Operations Performance & Planning” ITS World Congress, Orlando, FL. Oct. 19, 2011

Pack, Michael L. “Public-Private Data Partnerships: Transportation Information for Travelers, Operators, and Planners” AASHTO Annual Meeting, Detroit, MI October 16, 2011

Pack, Michael L. “An Interactive, Web-based, Mobility Performance Measures Applications Utilizing Probe Data” ITS World Congress, Orlando, FL. Oct. 18, 2011.

Pack, Michael L. “Wide-area Probe Data Analysis” ITS Maryland Tri-State Annual Meeting, Hagerstown, MD September 14, 2011

Pack, Michael L. “Integration and Visualization of National CLARUS Road Weather Data in RITIS” Presented at the Clarus Road Weather Conference, Albuquerque, NM, September 8, 2011

Pack, Michael L. “Regional Transportation Operations Performance” Transportation Research Board International Visualization Symposium, Chicago, IL, August 23, 2011

Pack, Michael L. “Real-Time and World Data Visualization” Transportation Research Board International Visualization Symposium, Chicago, IL, August 22, 2011

Pack, Michael L. “Virtual Incident Management Training” Transportation Research Board International Visualization Symposium, Chicago, IL, August 22, 2011

Pack, Michael L. “Wacky, Weird, Cool, but Useful: Measuring the effectiveness of visualizations” Transportation Research Board International Visualization Symposium, Chicago, IL, August 21, 2011

Pack, Michael L. “Why Nobody Cares: How investing in visualization can help improve funding and support of transportation programs.” Transportation Research Board International Visualization Symposium, Chicago, IL, August 22, 2011

Pack, Michael L. “Asking th e Right Questions” Presented at the Fourth International Conference on Performance Measurement for Transportation Systems, Irvine, CA May 19, 2011.

Pack, Michael L. “Research in ITS at the Univ. of MD CATT Lab” Presented to a graduate level ITS course at North Carolina State University, April 6, 2011.

Pack, Michael L. Wide-area, Web-based Mobility Analysis Using Probe Data. 15th International IEEE Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems, Sept. 19, 2011, Anchorage, Alaska


Pack, M.L.; “Dynamic Wide-Area Congestion and Incident Monitoring Using Probe Data,” Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, Vol 2174, pp. 1-9, December 2010

Pack, M.L., “Visualization in Transportation: Challenges and Opportunities for Everyone,” Computer Graphics and Applications, IEEE , vol.30, no.4, pp.90,96, July-Aug. 2010

Kapp, Karl and O’Driscoll, Tony; “Learning in 3D: Adding a New Dimension to Enterprise Learning and Collaboration” 2010, John Wiley and Sons. Chapter 6 contributor/author. ISBN: 978-0-470-50473-4


Pack, M.L.; Wongsuphasawat, K.; VanDaniker, M.; Filippova, D., “ICE–visual analytics for transportation incident datasets,” Information Reuse & Integration, 2009. IRI ’09. IEEE International Conference on , vol., no., pp.200,205, 10-12 Aug. 2009


Pack, Michael L. “Virtual Incident Management Simulations” I-95 Corridor Coalition Annual Meeting, Orlando, FL May 15, 2008

Bista, S.; Pack, M.L., “Real-Time Massive Data Simulation Visualization,” Technologies for Homeland Security, 2008 IEEE Conference on , vol., no., pp.543,548, 12-13 May 2008. Read it now.

Jacobs, T. (August 2008) Maryland Transportation Operations Summit (MTOS) White Paper – Executive Summary (pdf).

Jacobs, T. (August 2008) Maryland Transportation Operations Summit (MTOS) White Paper – Full Document (pdf).


Moscoso, R. (August 2007) “Changing the Rules: First-Responder Data Communications Tools Make an Impact.” Domestic Preparedness Journal, vol. 3, no. 8, (pp 11).

Pack, M.L., Weisberg, P. & Bista, S. (2007) “Wide-area, Four-Dimensional, Real-time, Interactive Transportation System Visualization.” (Accepted for Publication) Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board.

Moscoso, R. (February 2007) “Camera Phones Add a Thousands Words to the Handling of Transportation Incidents.” Domestic Preparedness Journal, vol. 3, no. 2, (pp 8-9).


Liu, Y. and G. L. Chang, (2006) “A two-level integrated optimization system for Planning of Emergency Evacuation,” Journal of Transportation, Vol. 132, No.10, (pp. 800-809). ASCE.

Liu, Y. and G. L. Chang, (2006) “A cell-based Network Optimization Model for Staged Evacuation Planning under Emergencies,” Transportation Research Record, 1964, (pp. 127-135).

Liu, Y. and G. L. Chang, (2006) “Developments and Applications of Simulation-Based Online Travel Time Prediction System for Ocean City,” Transportation Research Record, 1959, (pp. 92-104).

Liu, Y. and G. L. Chang, (accepted 2006) “Empirical Observations of dynamic dilemma zones at signalized intersections,” Transportation Research Record.

Liu, Y. and G. L. Chang, (accepted 2006) “Incorporating Bus and Passenger Car Operations in Arterial Signal Optimization for Emergency Evacuation,” Transportation Research Record.

Lin, P.W. and G. L. Chang, (accepted 2006) “A generalized Model and Solution Algorithm for estimation of the Dynamic Freeway O-D distribution,” Transportation Research Part B.

Kang, K. P., and G. L. Chang, (2006) “Dynamic late Merge Control at highway Work zones, Evaluation, Observations, and suggestions,” Transportation Research Record, 1948, (pp. 87-95).

Tarnoff, P.J. (December 2005/January 2006) “Traffic Management Planning, Now There’s a Thought.” In Traffic Technology International, (pp. 40-44).

Kang, K. P., and G. L. Chang, (March 2006) “A Robust Model for Optimal Time-of-Day Speed Control,” IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, IEEE, vol. 7, No.1.

Kang, K.P. and G. L. Chang, (accepted 2006) “Lane-based dynamic merge control strategies based on the optimal thresholds for highway work zone operations,” IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems.

Pack, M.L., Weisberg, P. & Bista, S. “Four-Dimensional Interactive Visualization System for Transportation Management and Traveler Information.” Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, 1937. Human Performance, Simulation and Visualization, (pp.152-158).

Zhu, Z. and G. L. Chang, (2006) “A Macroscopic Traffic Flow model for highway Work Zones: Formulations and Numerical results” Journal of Advanced Transportation, Vol.40, No.3 (pp 265-287).


Tarnoff, P.J. (October/November 2005) “Hurricane Katrina, What Went Wrong?” In Traffic Technology International, (pp. 72-76).

Tarnoff, P.J. (2005) “Dynamic Message Sign Accuracy – A Challenge to the Operations Community.” In ITE Journal, 75-9.

Frankle, K.M. (April/May 2005) “Premium Blend.” In Transportation Technology International, (pp. 50-52).

Vasudeven, M., G. L. Chang (accepted 2005) “Design and development of Integrated Arterial Signal Contact Model,” Transportation Research Record.


Hartford, D. & Baecher, G.B. (2004). “Risk and Uncertainty in Dam Safety.” Thomas Telford Ltd.

Tarnoff, P.J. (2004, April/May) “ITS: Looking Backwards for a Midcourse Correction.” In Traffic Technology International (pp. 48-54).


Baecher, G.B. & Christian, J.T. (2003). “Reliability and Statistics in Geotechnical Engineering.” London and New York: John Wiley and Sons.

Pack, M.L., Smith, B.L. & Scherer, W.T. (2003). “An Automated Camera Repositioning Technique for Integrating Video Image Vehicle Detection Systems with Freeway CCTV Systems.” In the Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board. Highway Operations, Capacity, and Traffic Control, 1856(pp.25-33).

Tarnoff, P.J. & Lockwood, S. (2003). “ITS Strategies: Are we being too timid?” In Traffic Technology International.

Tarnoff, P.J. (2003). “ITS Mid-Course Corrections.” In Traffic Technology International.

Tarnoff, P.J. (2003, April 27). “Traffic Signals – Can’t we raise the bar (just a little)?” In Traffic Management and Engineering.


Tarnoff, P.J. (2002, August/September). “ITS: A Tale of Two Cultures.” In Traffic Technology International (pp.17-21).

Baecher, G.B. (2002). “Water supply and wastewater systems. In Making the Nation Safer–The Role of Science and Technology in Countering Terrorism.” National Academy Press.

Baecher, G.B., et al. (2002). “e-Learning is building engineers.” In the Society of American Military Engineers Journal.


Tarnoff, P.J. (2000, April/May). “Adapting to Your Surroundings – ITS Doesn’t Exist Without Traffic Operations.” In Traffic Technology International (pp. 80-84).