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Intersection Design, Safety and Capacity
Tuesday, April 16, 2024
9:00 a.m.-3:00 p.m.
Virtual Classroom
For More Information:
Janette Prince

The Intersection Design course will address how design affects the safety and capacity of the intersection.  The course will start with the determination of whether to signalize an intersection.  Signal warrants will be discussed and the class participant will conduct a warrant exercise.  For the rest of the class geometric design issues will be addressed.  Design features covered include deceleration lanes, corner   clearance, vehicle corner clearance, and corner radiu

Also, functional areas of an intersection will be defined and an exercise to calculate the functional area will be conducted.  A quick review of roundabout design and a comparison will be made of roundabouts versus intersections will be presented.

Finally, the class will end with a summary discussion of how design affects intersection capacity. 


  • Warrants and Warrant Exercise
  • Geometric Design
  • Deceleration Lanes
  • Corner Clearances
  • Functional Areas
  • Vehicle Clearances
  • Roundabout Design Summary
  • How Design Affects Capacity

Professional Development Hours: 6.0.
Registration Fee: This 6-hour virtual classroom course has a $45 registration fee.

This Event is For: Public

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